How To Work With An Interior Designer

Designing your home can be an incredibly daunting task if you don’t have much (or any) decorating experience. What color scheme should you choose? Which furniture pieces will work best with the decor you already have? Where do you possibly begin? Interior design poses a challenge to even the most creative of folks.

Fortunately, I’m here to help! With over 20 years of experience behind me, I’m well-suited to advise and work alongside you to create the room or home of your dreams. But, teaming up with a personal decorator may be intimidating if you’ve never done it before. This brief guide will take you through the ins and outs of partnering with design experts to give you the basic information and peace of mind you need. Ready? Let’s get started!

What to expect when working with an interior designer

First and foremost, understand that my mission, as an interior designer is to help you make your vision a reality — I’m not there to create the space I would want for my own home. Actually each client’s unique aesthetic offers me an opportunity to do something new!

As such, I will set up an initial consultation in your home to discuss your plans and any ideas you have. Together we will tour your home, so that I may learn about your preferences and lifestyle. Your unique story inspires design process going forward. (This is why I call myself “Your Personal House Whisperer”) .

Finally we will focus on the room(s) that you want to redesign and take the necessary measurements and photographs.

Need help pulling it all together?

The benefits of collaborating with a design expert

Here are just a few of the advantages of partnering with a personal decorator to create your ideal space:

  • Reduced expenses: While hiring a designer does come at a cost, my expertise means you can avoid making pricey mistakes that you might run into if redesigning your home by yourself.
  • Reliable handiwork: Painting walls, fitting light fixtures, hanging artwork — all of these activities seem like relatively simple tasks, but the truth is that it’s really easy to botch any of these jobs if you attempt to DIY. A designer’s team will produce quality work that won’t present problems years down the road.
  • Expert artistry: While much of interior design has a practical element (think of lighting, for example), it often comes down to aesthetics. After all, you want a beautiful home that makes you feel good. Designers have the skills necessary to introduce or combine a mixture of styles that embody your personality and look good doing it. 
  •                                                                                                                                                                                                                  How to Prepare for your first meeting                                                                                                                                                      It’s true that interior designers can perform miracles. We’ve all seen the “before and after” photos to prove it! That said, there are some things you need to do on your end to help your decorator work their magic. Even if you don’t have all your design ducks in a row (yet), you must give your design partner some starting information they can use as a springboard. This includes:
  • Mood board or folder that contains photos of styles, pieces and colors you like. This doesn’t need to be a cohesive portfolio, but you should try to get a rough idea of your design likes and dislikes, at the very least.
  • Establish a comfortable budget range to allow the designer to source materials and carry out work that won’t break your bank. It’s not necessary to have a super detailed financial breakdown, but a rough starting figure will be needed.                                                           
  •  List of practical requirements that need to be fulfilled. Explain to your designer what the room(s) will be used for and what items or capabilities it or they must have. This will provide critical guidance to ensure your decorator can pay attention to function and form.

    Have a general idea of the color scheme and style that you’re going for.


    You can trust Deborah to guide you through every step of the design process and make your house a joy to come home to!

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